Friday, November 8, 2013


 I've arrived in Florida after the red eye flight from San Diego to Atlanta to change planes to Tampa.  It was pretty hard flying overnight from one coast to the other and losing three hours in the process.  

Gorgeous Myra from Designer Digitals was there waiting for us looking amazing as Esther and I walked up looking tired, dishevelled and bleary eyed.  She took us for breakfast and we started talking and haven't stopped.

We went on a bit of a Cook's tour and arrived at Clearwater with a scream as soon as we saw Linda and Sam and Lynnie.  Soon after more of the girls arrived and screams and hugs and seeing these girls faces come to life and hearing them talk and laugh and seeing them in 3D as opposed to flat pics on the computer screen has been amazing already.

The sand here at the resort is a blinding white and it's not like our sand, it's like castor sugar!  It's sooooo fine.  And the resort is so beautiful.  

The water is like tepid bath water.

Funny that Esther asked for some milk from room service for her and Sam, which doesn't seem to be the norm for supply to the rooms here, and a glass of milk was brought up which cost flipping $8!!!  Apparently $3 for the milk, $4 for the tray charge and $1 for the tip.  Expensive cows!!!  Here they are with their precious cargo...

We have talked and dined and talked and sat and talked and talked, you get the idea.  So not sure how much blogging I will get done but I'll try.

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