Sunday, December 5, 2010

Another hot and humid one

Again the weatherman was wrong, no rain or thunderstorms in sight. It's hot and steamy again and not pleasant at all. I put the Christmas tree up this afternoon, oh my goodness I'm exhausted. That was after I cleaned and polished the loungeroom from top to bottom, dragged the tree (yes we have a plastic one) from the top of the wardrobe, pulled out all the boxes of decos, mended the ones that needed re-threading, decorated the tree, put all the empty boxes back where they go ... and all the while Mike napped on the couch! Arrrrgggghhhhh!

It's like magic isn't it? You go to sleep, you nap, you wake up and everything is done.

Here's another blast from the past for my Christmas blogging every day, a page I also put into our family history book. Mum and my brother Trevor. Anyone who is around has to have a stir of the pudding mixture and make a wish, it's tradition.


Credits here.

Now I think a cool cool shower is in order, I'm beat.


Margaret said...

Memories were made of this, you are doing a wonderful work with the family photos. They must make the family very happy.

Polly said...

I was so excited about putting the tree up. Flynn grizzled all the way through it so DD had to hold him and Ollie was more interested in what was in TV....and this is supposed to be fun?

Lynne said...

Same tradition here. Last year when DD and I made our Christmas puddings, even Ben had to throw in a threepence, make a wish and stir (and he was only nine months old).