Monday, December 20, 2010

And just for a change ...

It's still raining! Yep, that ark is looking mighty good.

I have a dirty nasty little secret to divulge, and it will change your life with regards to Christmas baking! The primary school here had a fundraiser recently and I bought a bucket of cookie dough, Billy G's cookie dough to be precise. I got the shortbread and it's delicious, I'm about to put another batch on now.

Sure sure, if I wanted to be all pedantic about Christmas I would be making my own shortbread, and yes that's an enjoyable part of Christmas, but to be honest I really haven't enjoyed the lead up to Christmas this year. Perhaps I've enjoyed small parts of it - the Carols on Friday night, the finishing of the wrapping of gifts, the delight of Tristan when he found his package under the tree ready for Christmas day, and my own particular joy when I found out the four kids are coming to our house on Christmas morning for breakfast. Other than that, it's kind of passing me by and if I can make it easy in any way, I'm all for it, so onward and upward to the cookie dough.

As usual though each Christmas I do buy a new decoration for the tree and this year I found a fabulous piper which I knew Mike would love. Or would he? Little did I know he was an Irish piper, and here's me thinking he was resin! ha!


Credits Designer Digitals here.

Over and out. Now off to "bake" or to just roll, cut and stick in the oven to be more precise, ha!

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