Sunday, January 18, 2009

Big turning point

I swear you're going to get sick of hearing about the Molly - Lucky - Bo menagerie saga! Late last night after we came home from a party (more about that later), we sat in the loungeroom having a coffee. Molly lay at out feet in her usual possie, Lucky jumped up and lay between us. And lo and behold Bo came walking in, jumped up on the coffee table, walked up Mike's legs (naturally he had his feet on the coffee table ~~rolled eyes~~) and sat on the arm of the couch. We didn't dare breathe to break the magic spell.

It was terrific, and just as we've been hoping for. This is what we want, Bo was here first and she needs to be able to have the run of the house and not just retreat to her safe areas. Lucky was fine, he was more interested in snuggling on the couch than chasing the cat.

Chalk that one up on the blackboard if you will !

The party, oh it was lovely. The 65th birthday of a friend of ours from town, the mother of one of Mike's best mates. The ruse to get her there was that she thought she was going out for Chinese in the next town, so had gotten dressed up. The twist was that she was making the cake for a party in town that had hired out the supper room of the local hall. See, she makes brilliant chocolate mud cakes and is often called on to make them for special occasions. So the idea was that she would deliver the cake to the hall on the way out to Chinese.

How funny when she walked in. SURPRISE! She was surprised because the first thing out of her mouth was "Oh my God! I've made my own bloody birthday cake!!!" hahahaha. It was brilliant.

So we're moving right along with Project 365 and I've done the next page which depicts the week just gone. Here tis!


Credits here

I'm really enjoying this project and looking at things in different ways. How lucky I was to snap that sunset huh? I might have to get it framed for the wall. We're lucky to get lovely sunsets, just a short drive up the road to get a clear vista like that. Oh and Lynne, will that do for a sock photo?? I hope so. It's nice to have a stash of socks that you can give as gifts and know they are truly appreciated.

As for my husband's lawn mowing attire ... NO COMMENT! ha!


Chocolate Cat said...

Oh what a shame you couldn't get a photo of you both with your furry friend family, what a special moment! Am loving this project too - just a great way to diarise your year - and the lawn mowing outfit, I've seen worse at my house!!! Must go with the chore!

Lynne said...

Nothing wrong with the lawn mowing attire; he looks like an Aussie bloke at work - which is waht he is!

Thanks for the sock photos! LOL

Bells said...

Gorgeous! What a great ruse - and it worked so well. Her words on entering - priceless!

That's such a nice way to capture the week. Fabulous.