Saturday, September 1, 2007

Thank you

Firstly a thank you to the messages and emails I have received during this last week, it was much appreciated. You think it's just words thrown out there until you're on the receiving end and it does help to know that people are thinking of you. So thank you for that. It's been a long week, kind of like treading water. But grandma's funeral last Tuesday was small, but beautiful and moving and she was sent off with Mike playing Amazing Grace on his pipes. Just as she would have wanted.

Funny how there are times like this that make other moments in your life hold so much more importance to what they usually rate on a day to day basis. What I mean, is I have a gazillion photographs of my grandma, I was always shoving the camera in her face, but it hit me just the other night, there'll be no more photos, no more memories to keep. So it's made photographing family even more important to me now.

Step-daughter No.2 is staying with us this weekend, and I just took her and Mike down to the local park for a father/daughter photo shoot. They indulged me. Did they have any other option? I got some good photographs which I'm happy about, but it has only appeased me for now. Next visit does she realize I'll have the camera stuck in her face again? Probably. She'll indulge me again. That's what you do when you love someone, right?

Blog Day

So logging on to the computer today has taken me by surprise. Did you know that 31st August was Blog Day? Who knew? Not I until now. So okay, it's 1st September in this part of the world right now, but I'm still going to participate. A surprise comment sent to me by Yenny Girl, had her listing my blog. I didn't even know she visited me, so there it works, I've met another blogger!

BlogDay was created with the belief that bloggers should have one day dedicated to getting to know other bloggers from other countries and areas of interest. On that day Bloggers will recommend other blogs to their blog visitors. With the goal in mind, on this day every blogger will post a recommendation of 5 new blogs. This way, all blog readers will find themselves leaping around and discovering new, previously unknown blogs.

So my five blogs in no particular order that I would like to introduce you to, that entertain me no end are:

A terrific blog by a good friend of mine, about knitting, life, and with a peppering of social commentary thrown in. Hugely entertaining, just like the lady herself.

An amazingly talented scrapper who is also a friend. Anna is an incredible artist, has two adorable children who I love to read tales about, and she is also just a lovely lovely lady.

Thinking back my first week of doing my first bit of digi scrapbooking I found Sharon's site and have stalked it ever since! She has shown great faith in me in allowing me a guest spot on her creative team and I'm loving the camaraderie with Sharon and the rest of the team and really being able to extend my fledgling skills with digi scrapping. Highly recommend a visit here.

I do so love reading about Victoria and her family, the books that she reads and the things that are happening to her and the family and her fabulous layouts of her children and their lives. I regularly pop in to have a read, almost like ducking over for a cuppa with her!

Not sure how I stumbled onto Tracey's blog originally, but it took my fancy as I recognized things she was writing about and we found we don't live too far from each other, although never met! LOL Tracey makes the most amazing quilts and other sewing craft with quite extraordinary finds from op shops, etc. You'll love her photographs of life in the country around here also.

I have so many other blogs I read, but if I must pick five, then five it is. Click on the links, have a read and enjoy these fabulous blogs by fabulous women.


Victoria said...

Amazing Grace on the bagpipes is such a deeply soulful sound. I'm glad our prayers for your comfort have helped!

How wonderful to be indulged in such lasting endeavors! I find it a wonderful thing when the word indulged can be used and there are no calories involved!

Thanks for listing me among the other fine ladies! I, too, must do a list on my blog. I hope you have a great weekend!

Bells said...

Hey Carol - great to see you back. I love that Mike played Amazing Grace. I bet there wasn't a dry eye there. I feel choked up just imagining it.

And thanks for mentioning me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol, I can't explain to you how your comment on my blog made my day, week, month, year!!! I was so happy to read that you liked my heritage pages...they are my favorite type of layouts ;)

You are the sweetest person ever and I'm adding your blog to my list of places to visit ;) on a regular basis...;)

If you want the silly freebie I can fix a new link. Let me know. ;)

I'm sorry to read about your grandma. ((((hugs))) I lost mine last novermber, and even though I know she is better now with my grandpa and with God, I miss her and creating these page sabout them makes me feel closer to them.

I'm sending you huge hugs & kisses, and I hope we can keep in touch. ;)


Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Hi, pleased you are home and back photographing, you were in my thoughts, especially as I was in your town on Tuesday!
Thank you for mentioning me, even though i don't scrap, I love yours!
That wool is also gorgeous, as is quirky, groovy looking can never take too many photos, Tracey