Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm back

I ran away and never came back there for a while. I have been blogless, what can I say. Nothing much to report on. 21 squares of Miss B's quilt have been sewn and I'm really chuffed about the colour combo, I think I went well picking the apple green, it's hip and happening and now but it will last the distance, but not so waaaaay out bright that in a few years time you'll be sick of it and fold it up in the back on the wardrobe not used again.

Very exciting news for [ksharonkdesigns] of twolittlepixels fame. She has appeared at The Daily Digi this month. She has designed especially the beautiful butterfly [breeze] mini kit, and I can finally show a page I had done using it.

I really wanted to ensure I had a photograph of each of the family members with Nelli when she was small, and there's nothing that will bring a lump to my throat more than seeing a big fellow like my brother holding a tiny teeny puppy.


Paper curls by Anna Aspnes of Designer Digitals.

Speaking of dogs, my big girl Molly is feeling poorly at the moment, she's torn one of her nails, actually someone has told me it is her dew claw, I think that's how you spell it. I know nothing about this, but I've been told a lot of dogs have them removed when they are young. She's walking fine, playing, and sprinting to the kitchen when she thinks there's a treat on offer, but she's licking her left paw like there's no tomorrow. We're not sure what to do, obviously a visit to the vet if she doesn't feel better soon. It's obviously tender as when Mike touched her paw yesterday to check why she was licking she snapped at him, then instantly remorseful and licking him to apologise.

Poor darling. I spent a good half of Masterchef tonight sitting on the ground with her laying beside me doing reiki on her tonight, she loves that and soaks it up.

Cup of tea time and then to bed. Mike is off early tomorrow to his sister's to help them move house. I've pleaded off the trip, I am utterly exhausted and looking forward to a weekend of resting and doing nothing much. This week just past has been a huge week at work.


Calico said...

Hey stranger! I meant to stop by and tell you I recognized one of your layouts on the Daily Digi and when I saw this puppy, I just knew it had to be one of your layouts!
About the dew claw, my brother's dog just ripped hers not too long ago and she wouldn't leave it alone so the vet bandaged it up. I took awhile to heal because she kept getting it caught on things and re-injuring it. I'm not sure if they eventually removed the nail or not. Poor Molly..sending hugs!

Lynne said...

Glad Mike is feeling a whole lot better. Sorry to hear about poor Molly - she has been in the wars. Have a good rest this weekend; exhaustion is not fun!

Margaret said...

Your team didn't play too well, so I hope you have had a peaceful weekend.