Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Oh thank heavens!

The cool change came overnight and after sleeping with the fan on most of the night I woke to find the doona up around my shoulders and quite chilly with the quite chilly breeze blowing the curtains and rain!! Oh rain, I love how it sounds on our tin roof when I'm lying in bed. Except of course when I have to get up and get ready for work, grrrrr. It would have been way too easy to roll over and go back to sleep this morning.

I'm moving right along with my mother-in-law's book of her grandchildren and family. And here's one I particularly like of hubby with his oldest daughter who I love with all my heart. You know these pages will all double in individual books I've decided I should make for all the kids now. I'm possessed! (but in a good scrapbooking way).

Credits here.

Time to go knit. I'm moving right along with my monkey socks and I'm starting down the ankle of the second. Woo hooo.


Victoria said...

I love the sound of rain! I'm glad you got a measure of relief.

The album is going beautifully. I understand that desire to capture the memories and share them with everyone. Also, the desire to provide each person with something that is something all their own. Fantastic stuff, Carol! :)

Rose Red said...

Mmmm rain on a hot tin roof - fabulous!

That photo is lovely. I don't have many of me with my dad, she will treasure that.

Bells said...

oh i got chills reading that Carol. Beautiful. Dads and daughters. Lovely.