Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weekend over

But still a week to go on holidays, YAY!

Saturday I headed up to Dunkeld to the Festival. Such a beautiful little town. I wasn't going to go though, the weather looked doubtful, Mike wanted to stay home and do his BAS, always leaving it till the last minute. And let's face it, a festival on your own? Probably not the funnest thing to do.

But still I went and so glad I did. The impetus for me to go was that one of the activities was to meet with a professional photographer and really get into the nuts and bolts of your camera. I hung around until 1.30pm and headed up to the Aquila Eco Lodges, about 6 km out of town. Dan Ryan was the photographer and such a lovely chap he was. As he finished with one group, I was the only one waiting to commence at 1.30 so I had him all to myself. One-on-one with a professional photographer, it was like the floodgates had opened and all the questions I ever had came spilling out.

About an hour into the session another lady arrived so he continued on with the both of us. Photographing wildflowers, shooting on manual, showing us the way to frame the photograph, shooting on manual, explaining metering, and shooting on manual. Oh, did I mention, I shot on MANUAL !!!!!

To my surprise when I got back to the car it was 4.30. I had spent 3 hours with him. What a treat. And I totally love the shots I got, so once I download them I will pop them on the blog. They are still on the camera at the moment.

On the scrapping front I have completed Lesson 2 of Jana Morton's Blending & Beyond Class at Get it Scrapped. The blended figure this time was to have almost a pencil sketch look about it. I think I like the outcome of Lesson 1 better, but still onward and upward, more to be learnt.


Credits Designer Digitals

And with that I am shutting off the computer and I do believe a cup of tea is in order and knitting the rest of the night is the plan. The rain has just started pelting down all of a sudden, Molly has gone wide eyed and I can hear the rumble of thunder in the distance.


Lynne said...

I love that blending page too!

How wonderful that you got so much time one-on-one; I think it was meant to be and I'm so glad you went!

Looking forward to seeing what you're knitting!

alexa said...

What a treat to get so much tuition! Knitting whilst listening to the drumming of the rain sounds nice ...