Monday, December 10, 2012

Cards are written, presents being wrapped

That's the status in the G House right now.  I've never left it so late before, and I fear some of my overseas cards and gifts are just not going to make it in time.  This is so unlike me.

And shhhh... I still have Mike's had to finish.  I'm making him a Pang Hat, worn by Billy Connolly is one of his grand adventures on TV.   Mike has wanted one of these hats for ages, and just quietly he wants the glasses too, eeeek.  There's no accounting for taste.

Well I found a pattern on Ravelry and I tell you this hat has been the death of me.  I've frogged it twice already.  The first time I hadn't read the pattern properly and increased every row instead of every second row for the crown.  The second time I did it per the pattern and I swear you could have fitted the biggest boof head in it, it was huge.  The third time I've made the pattern smaller and I think it's about perfect.  I'm now up to the turn over brim where the colours are about to start.   I'm making this one in navy blue, red and white.  Cross fingers I don't stuff it up again, I've only got 15 days till Christmas. 

Here's another couple of my December days.  I'm keeping up with the journalling, I have that completely up to date on future pages.  I'm taking the photos each day.  The page set up and finish is coming later.  All good.  Feeling pretty much in control.

and Monday...

Bed time, I'm exhausted.  Hoping for a nice peaceful day tomorrow, I have the office to myself the whole day.  Bliss.  

1 comment:

Lynne said...

You are much more advanced than me, I haven't even bought cards and I definitely haven't finished my shopping. I think most women are left with the card writing --my mum, my sister, my DD, my MIL, my aunt, my female cousin and I all have to do it alone! Although our Christmas card from my brother is always written by him as is the one from a long-time friend. Both of them have the most gorgeous handwriting too!