Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Twice in two days - unheard of !

Back again. Sitting here in this cold office up the other end of the house from where the wood fire is, and I'm actually wearing a scarf. I think a hot chocolate at this time of night might hit the spot before bed.

Another bleak day of cold and rain. Mike said the menagerie were stir crazy today, it's way too cold for old Molly's bones to be outdoors so she was only briefly out between rain breaks. Poor darling, although we have her on the Sasha's Blend, she takes a bit of time to unwind when she's been laying down, as do we all ! ha.

I was late home tonight, didn't get home until 6.30pm, so not my usual time. Mike said that Molly and Lucky were just chilling until about 3 minutes before I arrived home and then they started pacing and checking the door and pacing and back to the door, then up to the bedroom to see if they could see out the window to the street, then back to the backdoor. How did they know I was nearly home? We truly think they are psychic at times!

Oh and Sharon, yes you did warn me about Lucky's innocent face and the chewed shoes in my future, and whilst yes, I have lost a pair of new sneakers and the tops of my $120 ankle boots had the leather, shall we say "worked", oh and a pair of fluffy slippers were found in bits on the front lawn, he now seems to have grown out of that. Cross fingers.

The Album for my Nephews

Over the course of the remainder of the year I am planning to make random pages from photos I have taken over the time I have known my gorgeous nephews. These will all go into a book for them for Christmas so they'll never forget us. And yes I guess some will be sad and about how much we miss them, but some will be happy and funny and silly. So I'll show you them as I make them.

Here's some of the last photos I took of the boys while we were at the airport waiting for the last possible moment they would go through those international gates. A photo of my mum and the boys.


Credits Designer Digitals.

Oh and Margaret, the nighty night possums from yesterday was from the telly, when they say that at about 7.30pm when it's time for the kids to go to bed. :-)


Lynne said...

The book will be lovely - a mix of happy, funny and sad: just as life is!

Esther Andrews said...

And the Great Dame Edna would say 'nite 'nite possums.