Monday, September 10, 2012

Can we say procrastination?

I might not have said it, but I sure did a lot of it today.  I'm meant to be washing/sugar soaping the bathroom, toilet and laundry walls, getting ready for painting.  Hmmm, nope.  Didn't do that at all today.   I looked at the cans of paint I have bought in the garage a couple of times, and then busied myself with other things.  It was meant to be one of the main things I was going to be doing on my 2 weeks off work, and here we are into the second week already.  At least I've bought the paint and brushes and roller, right?  I guess it's not going to do itself.

Mike is having his last night "in the chair" at Masons tonight.  It's been a long year but a quick year.  He's done a lot of different things this year, the big open day where the Grand Poobah came down for it, the Scottish night, inviting all the local widows to the Christmas party, the Christmas Parade, lots of other things too.  I'm really proud of him, he's given it a red hot go.  But like many other similar type clubs, new members are not coming out of the woodwork and it's been an uphill battle.  

So today I cooked up a storm as there were going to be quite a few visitors tonight, being his last night in charge.  Hard to believe I've never done this before, but I actually made 60 sausage rolls and they were easier than I thought, and very tasty.   Then I made a very yummy slice (I only tested the crumbs, truly!)  I really enjoy the Exclusively Food website.  And in particular I made the Oat, Sultana and Choc Chip Slice and wonder of wonders it turned out exactly like the photograph.  Got to love a recipe that uses minimal dishes, turns out like the photograph and doesn't need icing!   Then I loaded him up with two big platters of sandwiches as well.   I may end up needing to duck out shortly to go pick him up if he has a few drinks, nothing like driving through town in my pjs!

Youngest stepson is 18 today.  Gosh, where have those years gone.  That means he was only about 7 when I first met him.  Wow.    I remember at our wedding and he was one of the "best men", all he wanted to do was wear a tuxedo and by the end of the day the rose he had on his lapel was merely just a stem, all the petals and leaves had either fallen off or been torn off in play.  I remember lots of random things over the years.  I remember he loved sleeping on my couch, even when he got too tall for it, he said it was really comfy.  He is so amazingly good to the animals, he would make a fantastic vet, although he has always wanted to be an accountant since he was a little boy, I wonder if the accountants out there realised they had super hero status in a little boy's eyes.  Even at this age he still gives his dad a hug and he doesn't mind if I kiss him goodnight if he stays here.  So as the last of the children slip into adulthood, I know Mike and I are so very proud of each of them.

Okay well that's it from me.  Mike is still not home so I dare say they are having a lovely time.  Must stay awake in case I need to do the midnight run to go get him!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Happy birthday Young Man!

Come on, Carol, you can do it!