Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another day better

Cutting the collar thing to a bit shorter has made a big difference, Molly is walking with her head up now and not bumping into so many things, but she still freaks herself out when she has a slurp of water when she feels the collar drag on the ground. I mentioned before, Lucky has been a champion. He usually licks her a lot, grooming her I guess, but not once has he tried to lick her face which was our big concern. He's had a sniff of her, a sniff of the collar, but I think he senses it's a no go zone.

This morning when I let them out as although it had been raining and it was wet out, they disappeared. I went back to getting myself ready for work and getting their breakfast ready. I looked out the front window and they were side by side on the porch, just laying there surveying the street from their vantage point. It made me smile.

I did mention I was going to catch up these pages to show you, so here's yet another instalment. Have you ever seen a cuter transformer?!? My young American nephew. I know I always refer to them as my "American" nephews, but that's probably to differentiate from Mike's sister's son, and besides their accent is so darn cute.









Just about there! ;-)


Calico said...

Absolutely fantastic layouts, Carol!!!
I hope you got a photo of those two pups sitting together on the porch!
Glad to hear the recovery is going well!

Lynne said...

When seen altogether like that, it makes one realise what a full and interesting life you lead!

Polly said...

Love to Molly xx