Friday, August 22, 2008

Weekend at last!

This week has gone by very slowly, probably because I knew at the end of it holidays await. Not having to go to work. I get to sew, knit, scrap, cook, read, relax, visit with friends, have some "us" time with Mike, all those things that replenish the soul.

I'm also quite a list person, so I'm putting together a list of things I want to do. There's such satisfaction in crossing things off once done I think.

Now this past week has also seen me nursing quite a sick husband, he's been full up with the flu. Now I know a lot of people get the common cold and call it the flu, but I do believe this was the full blown, knock you down, hit you sideways flu. He's been very lethargic, no appetite, the couch has become his best friend, and he's slowly made his way through the week.


Guess where he is right now? Camping! Yes you read right. Against my better judgement. I wanted him to stay home this weekend but it was a pre-arranged weekend with a group he's with and I know he dearly wanted to go. He's had what he likes to call "cabin fever" in that he wouldn't go camping while his mum was so sick this year, he didn't want to be too far away in case he needed to jump into a car and be by her side. So I do know that this weekend was going to mean a lot to him to get away, his way of replenishing his soul. He's up north and so no rain, but it's very cold he told me a short while ago on the phone. Any bets he may come home with pneumonia? Hmmm???

So as I go off to couch luge tonight and watch some more Olympics and do some knitting, I will show you a page I did for the family album. Where it all began with me and bands. My very first official "gig". I was about 12 years old here.


Credits here.

Oh and for those non-knitting people who read my last post, I didn't realize you wouldn't know what "frogging" meant. It meant "throwing your knitting down in disgust-ripping the needles out-and pulling the wool undoing it all in a temper tanty". There, I do believe that's the definition of frogging.


Polly said...

Nothing ever gets in the way of weekends away does it!
Your page is lovely as always!

Lynne said...

Frogging = rip it! rip it! rip it! Sorry you had to do it; I use short row shaped heels all the time but NO wrapping! I found an easier way!!
Hope Mike is OK when he comes home.

Amandac said...

Ohh poor Mike i hope he feels better soon and DOESN'T get sicker! Enjoy your holidays Carol and replenish the heck out of your soul ok LOL. Love your page - what a fabulous moment to scrap!

Bells said...

tee hee. so cute. you lovely girl Carol!

Mike going camping when he's been sick is just crazy!

Enjoy your leave. I'm jealous.