Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to your previous scheduled viewing!

Surely I'm not the only one to say ... at last the Olympics are over? Tell me I'm not. Very un-Australian isn't it? We are the nation of sun, sea and sports. Don't even get me started on the female basketballers though. Silver not good enough? Hmmm? Their attitude really put a dampener I'm sure on the very excited and gracious other athletes that did win silver and thought the world of it.

Yes you can tell I'm not very sports-minded (apart from my beloved Cats in the Aussie Rules). I'm not against sport, not at all, I think the fresh air and exercise and team spirit and camaraderie are great and wonderful learning tools for children and adults alike. Sure I'll watch a good game of anything if I'm forced to, ha! But the money they put into sports, the payment for rights to televise, the huge amounts of dollars it takes to host an Olympics, the obscene amounts that sponsors pay, it's all very well and good, but let's face it, they're not curing cancer are they? And apologies to everyone who takes offence at my anti-mega-dollar-sports stance, but I'd rather channel the money into something that really matters.

Don't worry, I say the same amount the money that movie stars make for movies too.

Does it make me bitter and twisted? Perhaps. But strangely enough I think it makes me quite sane thinking this way.

Enough about that. Check out this forlorn looking face. It's the face I get when I drive away from the house whether it's to head away for the day to work, or for a quick 10 minutes down the street. Which makes me wonder if dogs have any concept that you are coming back? Does she always think I'm leaving forever and ever? I wonder what goes through their heads.


Credits here.

I do really love this rich gold colour and there are a lot of other beautiful rich colours in Sharon's new kit that I used. Click on the link to take you to twolittlepixels.

And now having brought down the very essence of our nation with this post, I best head off and make dinner.


Rose Red said...

ha ha! I do agree with you actually on the money and the sponsorship and all that stuff - it is only sport after all (I know - heresy!!). But then I get all caught up in the excitement and their achievements and their joy and their tears and I forget all that other stuff.

Unknown said...

I do love the Olympics. It's a nice change of pace since they only come around every two years between Winter/Summer Games. But, I do agree that there was VERY poor sportsmanship this time around. From the Wrestler throwing his medal down, to the TaeKwonDo guy kicking the ref in the face. And all the showboating in track and field.... It got to be a bit much!

Unknown said...

Carol, I found this article and after reading it knew that I needed to share it with you!

Bells said...

I kinda wish I'd watched some now. RoseRed made me realise there was good stuff to be found if you hung around with it.

The few times I tried I just got really cheesed off with the meaningful montages in slow motion. Irritating.

And look at that FACE!!! Oh how do you even bear to leave her?

Chocolate Cat said...

Oh that photo is just beautiful but oh it hugs on your heartstrings. How on earth can you stand to leave her at home all alone??!!! Am finding Jimmy's puppy dog eyes very hard to resist!

Victoria said...

I agree with your sports and movie comments!

I love the layout and that sweet forlorn face. I had a similar experience with taking Eve to Kindergarten Camp. She wept when I dropped her off and the teacher made a comment when I picked Eve up that Eve didn't think I was coming back. I have never left her anywhere. I always got to her preschool on time, but my record wasn't good enough. I guess they just love us so much they project us not being there and are sad. We will just have to keep showing up, which is a pretty good deal too! :)

Lynne said...

I don't do sport and I don't watch a lot of sport - tennis in January and June, swimming when it's on at a resonalbe hour - but I kinda miss the Olympics.
However, I do agree - the attention to gold medals is quite unreasonable. The way they count medals, the country with the most gold is on top for instance, is completely unfair - all the athletes deserve medals for making it to the Games in the first place. And a medal of any colour is a great achievement; silver, not good enough - don't get me started!!