Saturday, February 9, 2008

Stash Busting

Who ya gonna call? LOL I have the Ghost Busters theme whirling around in my head right now.

I decided to de-stash today, actually take stock of the jungle that is my quilting fabric. Urrrrgh where to start? I had boxes, I had bags, I had those plastic zipper bags from Spotlight that had long since burst their seams. And I'm sure I've only scraped the surface, I'm bound to find yet more bags in the bottom of the cupboard. And yet I still buy more fabric.

What is it that draws me in and tempts me? I like the smell and the rows and rows of beautifully coloured bolts of material in the fabric or quilting stores. I love that they are all lined up in order of colour, it all just looks so pretty. I can't be alone in this surely? I like that the ladies at the fabric stores nod knowingly when I say "oh, just another fat quarter of this too please". Help me out people.

I have an absolute craving for Christmas materials and Christmas colours. And then I craved the red blues and whites. Oh and there was the time I was right into the pinks and greens of shabby chic. I just can't help myself. I NEED A SELF-HELP GROUP!

So I dumped it all out on the bed, you can't kinda see how high this pile really is *blush*.

And came up with this

With a big pile of leftovers that still don't fit in, waaaaaahhhhh!!! So I need to buy another under bed storage container. And this doesn't even include the hat box I have full of scraps. You never know when you may need a piece of red fabric 1 inch by 1 inch, right?

Okay, no more buying material! I am on a fabric diet.

(until the next quilt I want to make, or the next Christmas stocking I need a certain shade for, or, or, or... oops, did I say that out loud?)


Amandac said...

oh what a beautifully arranged stash of fabric Carol! I love how it is all colour coordinated! Shhhh I won't tell anyone about any more fabric you buy - it's our secret LOL

Christeph said...

I'm gonna sign you up for Fabric Addicts Anonymous Carol..and I'm not kidding, they're real! Rotfl!!!!

Rose Red said...

very nicely organised! I've just startd buying fabric - it's dangerous. Must not let fabric stash get as large as yarn stash...

Bells said...

how cool does that look? Colour organising is really, really effective I think. I'd like to try it with my yarn stash some time.

Esther Andrews said...

Your story is so, so familiar! Congrats on getting organised, and good luck on using up that stash!

Calico said...

Oh, you have been doing some organizing! Looks wonderful! I used to have the same issues with my fabric stash but since I haven't quilted anything for about 5 years now, my stash is all boxed away and I think most of it was fairly organized since that was my life pre-kids,LOL! I still love to browse fabric stores but rarely buy anything anymore. I don't know if it will ever come back or if digi scrapping has pushed it to the back of my thoughts permanently. Before I quilted, I was an avid crocheter and I think I still have some yarn laying around...just in case! BTW i love your new avatar!